Michigan Assault With Intent to do Great Bodily Harm Less Than Murder - Jail?


Michigan Assault With Intent to do Great Bodily Harm Less Than Murder Charges Carry a Very Real Possibility of Jail. What Can Be Done to Stay Out of Jail?

At Prain Law, PLLC, we defend those accused of Michigan Assault With Intent to do Great Bodily Harm Less Than Murder charges (called Michigan Assault GBH). One of the most common questions we receive, regardless of whether our client wishes to fight the Michigan Assault With Intent to do Great Bodily Harm Less Than Murder charge or whether they are looking for a Plea deal, is "will I get Jail for a Michigan Assault With Intent to do Great Bodily Harm Less Than Murder conviction?"

Here's the real deal ... If you've been Arraigned, you already know that a Michigan Assault With Intent to do Great Bodily Harm Less Than Murder conviction carries up to 10 years in Prison. [click this link for the Michigan Assault With Intent to do Great Bodily Harm Less Than Murder law, MCL 750.84.] However, if you were convicted of Assault GBH, the Judge isn't allowed to simply pick a number between 0 and 10 for your Sentence. Rather, a Sentence for a Michigan Felony Assault like this is set by the Michigan Sentencing Guidelines, and the Judge must generally stay within them.

A detailed analysis of exactly how the Michigan Sentencing Guidelines apply to a serious Felony Assault charge like this is beyond the scope of this article. However, click the following link for an article that contains that detailed discussion of how the Sentencing Guidelines work in a Michigan Assault With Intent to do Great Bodily Harm Less Than Murder case. The bottom-line is that if you are convicted of a Michigan Assault GBH, due to the very nature of the charge itself, the Offense Variables (or "OVs") are likely to add-up enough to push your overall guidelines to something in excess of 0 months on the low-end.

Simply put, if you are convicted of Assault With Intent to do Great Bodily Harm Less Than Murder, Jail or Prison time is a serious possibility. BUT YOU STILL HAVE OPTIONS. To avoid Jail or Prison, you'll need a knowledgeable Michigan Assault Attorney to either:a) take your Michigan Assault With Intent to do Great Bodily Harm Less Than Murder case to Trial and achieve a verdict of NOT GUILTY; or b) negotiate a Sentence Agreement for no Jail/Prison, or a Plea deal to a reduced charge that still satisfies the factual basis but carries a much lower possible sentence, such as a Michigan Aggravated Assault under MCL 750.81a.

If you’re still reading this, you should pick up the phone and call Prain Law, PLLC, your Michigan Assault Lawyer anytime at (248) 731-4543. All calls and e-mails are free and confidential, and the sit-down consultation is free. A Michigan Assault With Intent to do Great Bodily Harm Less Than Murder charge seriously puts your freedom, your future, and your livelihood at risk in a big way – you owe it to yourself to have the right Michigan Assault Lawyer fighting for you. Don't feel like calling? Fill-out our Contact Form
